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[53] By the 1850s beer had become essential staple food for Munich's working and lower classes. Since the Middle Ages beer had been regarded as nutritious liquid bread (fließendes Brot) hinein Bavaria. But Munich suffered from poor water sanitation and as early as the 1700s beer came to be regarded as the fifth element. Beer was essential hinein maintaining public health hinein Munich and hinein the mid-1840s Munich police estimated that at least 40,000 residents relied primarily on beer for their nutrition.[54]
The city administration decided to support a joint study from its own Referat je Gesundheit zumal Umwelt (department for health and environmental issues) and the German Meteorological Service that will gather data on local weather. The data is supposed to be used to create a plan for action for adapting the city to better deal with climate change as well as an integrated action program for climate protection in Munich. With the help of those programs issues regarding spatial planning and settlement density, the development of buildings and green spaces as well as plans for functioning ventilation in a cityscape can Beryllium monitored and managed.[119]
Its caricatures and biting satirical attacks on Wilhelmine German society were the result of countless of collaborative efforts by many of the best visual artists and writers from Munich and elsewhere.[citation needed]
I go to Munich every year. I was surprised to discover that Munich could Beryllium such a desirable destination for a yearly visit, but every time I go I don't regret it!
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sehr professioneller, freundlicher junger Männlicher mensch mit absolut fairer bezahlung für das Gold was ich verkauft habe
Munich's economy is based on high tech, automobiles, and the service sector, as well as Information technology, biotechnology, engineering, and electronics. It has one of the strongest economies of any German city and the lowest unemployment rate of all cities rein Germany with more than one million inhabitants.
Held for two weeks at the Theresienwiese from the end of April to the beginning of May, the new local spring beers are served.[177]
Donna Summer (1948–2012), singer, known as the "Queen of Disco", she was the most successful musical artist of the Disco era rein the late 1970s and early 1980s
Since the enactment of EU legislation concerning the concentration of particulate in the air, environmental groups such as Greenpeace have staged large Demonstration rallies to urge the city council and the state government to take a harder stance on pollution.[215] Due to the high standard of living hinein and the thriving economy of the city and the region, there welches an influx of people and Munich's Artbestand surpassed 1.5 million by June 2015, an increase of more than 20% in 10 years.[citation needed]
Further, swimming within Munich's city limits is also possible hinein several artificial lakes such as for example the Riemer See or the Langwieder lake district.[145]
Sehr ehrliche Volk. Sie rat geben selber wann es besser pro den Kunden ist unzen zu zulegen ansonsten wann Zeichen lieber anstellen soll.
Traffic is often very heavy in and around Munich. Traffic congestion are commonplace at the beginning and end of major Bavarian holidays. There are few "green waves" or roundabouts, and an abundance of construction sites.[citation needed]
It is a Munich speciality. Traditionally Weisswurst is served hinein pubs before noon and is served with sweet mustard and freshly baked pretzels.
website Being at the centre of Europe, Munich is subject to many climatic influences, so that weather conditions there are more parameter than rein other European cities, especially those further west and south of the Alps.